Creating a Compelling Call-To-Action on Your Blog

Getting people to visit your blog reflects success in your marketing efforts. But, let’s face it, the goal is not just to obtain followers who read through our posts every time. You want to convert them into paying customers.

Converting audiences into leads can be possible with a compelling Call-to-Action or CTA. Many blogs update their content regularly, but unless they have a strong CTA, their conversion numbers will likely remain low.

Call-to-Actions are suggestive responses after someone has read through your content. They are buttons or text found at the bottom of your content that suggest what your audience should do next that can benefit them, but also ultimately your business.

How do you create an effective Call-to-Action? Here are some tips:

  • Ask them to share. At the end of your posts, add social media pins to allow your reader to easily share your posts with their networks. Make the buttons the right size (not too big or small), so they can easily see them. Buttons that pop-up social media sharing can make them share in less than a minute.
  • Invite them to subscribe to your blog. Make them more than just a one-time reader. People who loved your article may want to learn more from you. Allowing them to subscribe will give them automatic updates for new and upcoming posts and will help them remember your existence and value.
  • Add a special offer. Who doesn’t want a great deal on something good? Sales and discounts work at physical stores, and the same is true online. So, if you are promoting a product, offer a special discount for your readers.
  • Create easy commenting opportunities. People love to speak their minds, and giving them a place to do so makes them engaged. This is also a great for encouraging interaction among your readers. The more people are talking about you, the better. It can also help increase your perceived value as an expert of your field.
  • Make it easy for them to inquire. Some people will want to know more about your expertise or what you can do for them. Include your contact details below or a link that will allow them to your contact page.

Offer a free trial. A 30-day trial makes it easy for your readers to subscribe and sign up. This is widely use by software companies in reaching more clients, and it is effective for blogs as well.


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