Communicating Effectively with Your Virtual Assistant

In order to maximize the benefits of having a virtual assistant, it is important to establish strong two-way communication. Since most virtual assistants work in a different time zone, it is crucial that you set communication guidelines, so you are both on the same page and you can prevent tension and problems from arising when working together.


Effective communication means that you relay your messages to your virtual assistant in a way that they can easily capture what you’re trying to say. This will make task assignment, clarifications, and other concerns easier to handle. Otherwise, both you and your virtual assistant will become frustrated and have difficulty working together.


There are many ways in which you can effectively communicate with your virtual assistant. With today’s technology, you don’t have to rely on the phone or text messaging. You can communicate via the internet, whether through e-mail, chatting, or video chatting, and oftentimes these mediums are free, faster, and more convenient to use.


To communicate with your virtual assistant well, you and your VA must establish your communication methods from the start. Discuss during the hiring process what type of method you will use as a primary tool for communication. Most business owners choose email, so they can maintain a written record of what is discussed with their VA. Others prefer online chatting because it is a more instantaneous way to communicate several items quickly. Once you and your VA have established a primary communication tool, choose an alternative method that will serve as a second option in case you have problems with the first.


Next, set up a work schedule and be sure that your VA can and will commit to it. This way, your VA will know when you’re working and when they need to work. A work schedule will give you an overview of when you can catch your VA at work to chat or email with them instantly.


You can also create a system by which you can update work schedules, tasks, and other important details related to your VA’s work. The system should be update your VA automatically, so they know what changes they need to make, which deadlines need to be met, etc.


Lastly, encourage daily communication from your VA. Whether he or she will simply submit a daily report on what has been done today or they send you updates on projects they are working on, it’s important to touch base, so you can confirm that they are working when they are supposed to.


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